Thursday 5 January 2012

Writing practice

Ist person: My parmo got nicked by my buer. Coz she stole my moneyz and like went to the parmo shop pretending to be me. Then the slut went and got booze with my credit card. Dickhead.  Wasn’t mint like, she nicked my trakies too. Oh and I finished her the other day cause I found out that she was buying shit loads of buer stuff. Went mental didn’t I.
1st person makes the text more personal and emotional, having your trackies stolen is a very sensitive subject of course.

3rd person: The north east is said to have the biggest case of credit card fraud every recorded. Statistic show that 1/10 16 to 25 years old do not erase their details once purchasing something online.  This in turn makes it very easy for criminal to steal bank details and credit card information online. One of the most serious cases ended up in a local woman losing over £200,000 of her money in one year before she realised.
In contrast to first person third person is much more formal as it is objective and informative. It’s more reliable and text tends to be slightly more serious.

2nd person:You minge licking cunt fuck, identity stealing motherfucker. I’m gonna fuck your lass up and eat your twating dog if I find out who you are.  Fucking dick muncher.
Second person you can use much more aggressive ordering language as it’s a more personal way of writing.  It’s an easy way to offend someone as using the word ‘you’ means it’s direct.