Tuesday 13 December 2011

I created this the first time I used indesign. Firstly I had to create 2 forlders one for importing my text and one for importing my images. It was very important that i saved the image and not just copy and pasted it in, as the image if resized would become distorted. I also used the 'kerning' technique. this allows you to begin your paragraph with a larger font size.

This was an indesign experiment. It's not quite finished but i intend to text wrap the text.  

Monday 12 December 2011

Tuesday 6 December 2011

 The cyclist was taken at shutter speed 1/800

 Both photographs of Lisa jumping off the bench were taken at shutterspeed 1/400
 Lisa, falling leaves were taken at shutter speed 1/125
 Car driving past at 20 miles per hour at shutter speed 1/1400
 Van was also taken at 1/1400 but most likely blurry because it may have been going alot faster.

 Lisa walking was taken at shutterspeed 1/400

Both of Lisa jumping were taken at shutterspeed 1/800.

When taking photos of different things different shutterspeeds need to be used as they go at different speeds. For example, a car driving past will go alot faster than a person walking, so a higher shutterspeed needs to be used as the photo will turn out blurry. e.g a person walking 1/80, a car driving past 1/1400.

Thursday 3 November 2011

Magazine introductory styles

Magazine introductory styles

The introduction is vital to any magazine article cause apart from the title it is the first thing you will read. The introduction is what sets the tone of the article. There are 7 different intro types including, question intro, anecdote intro, quote intro, action/adventure intro, description intro, summery intro and shock/horror intro.

Shock/horror intro.
Imagine after 3 years of going without knowing your identity has been stolen you get kidnapped and brutally murdered. Mrs. Smith 37, primary school teacher had her identity stolen by a man who she believed to be her soul mate. After meeting online soon after losing her husband to cancer Mrs Smith’s relationship with this man grew very strong after a short amount of time as she needed someone to comfort her. A relationship she thought was based on trust and purely on the fact that she was in love ended up being a brutal massacre.
.These types of article intros are very good at enticing young audiences and they scare and make you want to read on.
Quote intro

“Young adults age 18 to 24 are more at risk than any other group”.

Warning to all that are young, care free and foolish, you need to be careful! “Young adults age 18 to 24 are more at risk of identity theft than any other group” says Javelin 2010 Identity Theft Report’.As you spend more time online communicating with friends and purchasing things over the internet you are in serious danger of getting your identity and even worse your money stolen. This could prevent you from in the future owning your own home or even landing you a prison sentence for a crime you did not commit. Identity theft is on the rise...

.These type of article intros is very good at giving the reader information about the article as they provide secondary sources for the reader to research the article more.

Question intro

Are you a user of the internet? Do you remember the last time you gave away important information?  Has there been any unusual activity on your credit card bills? You could be a victim of identity theft. If so, do you need help? Read on to find out who can help...

.question intros make the reader more interested and it’s a way of dragging the article out. It also gets the reader more involves because they question could be relevant to them.

Thursday 20 October 2011

today i learnt to use the magnetic lasso tool, the sponge tool and the burn tool. These three tools helped me create this vampire look. I've found this tutorial the easiest to use so far and the most enjoyable. However the magnetic lasso tool was rather tricky to use as you have to be very patient and careful where you are clicking. I could have improved this by using the burn tool on the ears and neck, to get the over all effect, as it looks like she's wearing facepaint at the moment.

Thursday 13 October 2011

This lesson I learnt to use the heal tool. So far it's my favourite tool on photoshop. It's very simple to use but very effective. In the industry it is used very frequently on celebrites as they have to maintain a flawless look. It's used to hide blemishes, spots, wrinckles, scars etc.

Thursday 6 October 2011

When producing my cd cover I experimented with lots of different brushes, one that looked like a bullet hole and another that looked like fallen leaves, but i thought they were all too fussy for the idea i was going for. So I decided to choose a bright multi coloured back ground, that was created using the stamp and just a simple font called 'stencil' to create a retro looking CD cover.

urban heroes

Thursday 29 September 2011

Being new to Photoshop I found it rather difficult, but in my first few sessions of using it I've picked up a few new skills. I can now use the elipse tool, I know how to flip and resize a photograph, set up margin guides, change the photo into a jpeg, use special effects on my masthead and headlines. I learnt to use the shift key to prevent your photo from changing its orininal dimensions. I learnt how to use effects such as emboss, gradient and fade. I used drop shadows on the text to make it look professional.

I've learnt the basics of using a camera, I know that your model had to be facing the light as it creates shadows, you must use the T strance to maintain your ballance while taking the photograph. Also using focus to prevent the photo from being blurry.

I think I need to improve my editing skills and learn the termanologies of the tools.